Ferreñafe, the Peruvian town protecting spectacled bear habitat

By September 28, 2017

At the next Ferreñafe, Lambayeque council session, a draft is expected to be approved which will protect the habitat of the endangered spectacled bear.

According to RPP, a regional coordinator of Andean Ecosystems of the International Nature and Culture Organization, Paul Viñas Olaya, said that the bears live in an area of more than 48,925 hectares between two natural sites, the Pomac Forest Historic Sanctuary and the Laquipampa Wildlife Refuge in Inkawasi. The area is home to about 50 spectacled bears.

South America’s only native bear, a male Tremarctos ornatus weighs more than 220 pounds. While it’s body is black, it’s unique facial markings have given it the name “spectacled bear”, also known as the Andean bear. According to Viñas Olaya in RPP, the bear feeds on fruit, especially sapote, and disperses seeds that help maintain the equilibrium of the forest.

The national Museum of Sicán carried out archaeological research in order move forward with this new area of conservation for the bear in Lambayeque.