Spike in dengue fever prompts state of emergency in Piura


A state of emergency has been declared in the Piura department after a spike in confirmed cases of dengue.

Piura has seen over 1,100 confirmed cases of dengue and two deaths in 2015 to date. Peru’s health ministry declared a 90-day state of emergency to address the health crisis. $1.2 million has been allocated in a response that includes mandatory fumigation of homes, a public education campaign in repelling mosquitoes and setting up tents for early detection and treatment.

“We urge the population to allow the fumigation teams to enter their homes to fumigate without any problems. We cannot allow any home to not be fumigated, since the mosquito transmitting dengue could spread it to other homes,” said local hospital director Anibal Calle.

The dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical regions. If not detected and treated, dengue fever can be fatal. Most of Peru’s confirmed cases come from the northern departments of Tumbes, Loreto and Piura. A moderate risk exists in Ucayali, Lambayeque, and San Martin departments, while most of Peru’s southern departments have no confirmed cases.

South America is a hotbed for the dengue virus. Over 100 have died in Brazil as Sao Paolo is going through a historic water shortage. Residents create attractive habitats for mosquitoes by hoarding water. Peruvian soccer star Paolo Guerrero, who plays for the Sao Paolo-based Corinthians, was recently released from a local hospital after being treated for dengue fever.


Declaran en estado de emergencia sanitaria región Piura por el dengue (La Republica)

Gobierno refuerza medidas de prevención contra dengue (El Peruano)

Minsa declara estado de emergencia sanitaria en ocho provincias de Piura (Andina)

Próxima semana continuará fumigación contra dengue en localidades de Piura (Andina)

Piura: viceministro de Salud Pública supervisará plan de acción contra dengue (Andina)

Minsa supervisa acciones de control del dengue y atención pacientes en Piura (Andina)

Casos de dengue por departamentos Perú 2015 (Ministerio de Salud)

Brazil City Calls In Army to Fight Dengue (Wall Street Journal)

Peru striker Guerrero leaves hospital after dengue fever (USA Today)

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  • The dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical regions, Lambayeque continue spraying campaigns in schools and public places, especially now with Sika virus alert.